Next event: Harbor Holidays! 11/22 (6-9) and 11/23 (10-4) at the Boston Yacht Club

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Aurora Borealis in Marblehead, MA

October 8th, 2024 A mesmerizing display of northern lights appeared in our skies last night, as well as the night before. Until recently, I thought this phenomena could only be observed by traveling to Alaska or Finland or areas close to the arctic circle. However, in May of this year, we experienced a major northern lights event here in Marblehead, which broke down every preconceived notion that I had. Apparently we are at the peak of an 11 year solar cycle whereby the sun's magnetic poles FLIP! Who knew?! Near the end of the cycle, coronal mass ejections (CME's) become more prevalent. Chunks of the sun are launched towards earth and fluoresce when they come into contact with earth's charged...

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New Artist Statement

Excited to share my new Artist statement. Having taken a step back to find common threads, identifying elements and influences within my photos, made a few discoveries. I believe this revised statement is a more accurate and authentic description of what my photography entails. Artist Statement: I love living near the water and traveling to places where the outdoors are a central part of life. Experiencing that connection with the natural world is part of my ethos and I try to convey that through photos. Each photo incorporates my natural surroundings paired with the most basic elements of human influence; ones that have an innate connection to their location, be it a dinghy or barn. They are meant to highlight...

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